Meet Mr. HDL Cholesterol #writerfuel

Yes, I said Mr. HDL Cholesterol. I was out running the garage sales this weekend and I found one of the mugs from about as bizarre a series as ever produced.

In 2002, the pharmaceutical company that produces ACTOS QD for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes created a series of mugs as salesman premiums to drop off with doctors.

Enter Mr. HDL Cholesterol . . .

Don't worry, I'm the good guy!
I know this will shock you, but I have the entire set. It started innocently enough, I found Mr. Muscle in an auction box. That was followed by Mr. Liver, Mr. Kidney, Mr. Pancreas, Mr. Stomach, and the villain, Mr. Triglycerides. Cookies anyone?

Collecting the weird stuff, so you don't have to. #writerfuel
