Fiction in a Flash . . . This Week at Terribleminds

I decided to have some fun and enter the weekly writing challenge over at Chuck Wendig's one and only fountain of dubious writing advice, the veritable "Terribleminds." This week's prompt gives you 100 words. 

If, like me, you're a fan of flash fiction, go check out what will be a selection of some of the best. 

Last year I moved two miles. It took ten hours on the phone with billing and tech support to move my Internet service. It would have been easier to run two miles of Cat 5 cable from the old place. With that in mind, I present "Customer Service":

* * *

Every night at five, I shut down the phone company's customer service switchboard and smile as the entire on-hold queue blinks out. 

Fuck'em. They can call back tomorrow. 

A loud scrape, the Jeopardy theme song, and the noose yanked me out of my chair. I clawed at the knot, cinching it tighter. 

Her soft voice barely penetrated the pounding in my ears. 

"We value your time. As the hold time on this line could be longer than fifteen minutes, you may want to use our self-service option. Goodbye."

She pressed the gun into my hand and closed the door. 

* * *


I have a hard time writing a full story with flash. You've done it here! Oh Customer Service....
Unknown said…
Loved this story! So much packed into a few words...
Leila said…
You certainly captured vustomer service hell. :)